


Useful information



Asto Detective Agency


My name is Inui from the Asto Detective Agency. Thank you.


hello world


Yokoi-Shonan Ishin-Gunzo




Kumamoto City Chuo-ku Chiba Castle Town 1

横井小楠(よこい しょうなん)と維新(いしん)群像、谷干城(たに-たてき)像について、探偵1日料金を3時間調査39.800円(当社料金)と仮定して説明していきます。

We will explain about Yokoi Shonan and the statues of Ishin and Tani-Tateki, assuming a daily detective fee of 39.800 yen (our fee) for a 3-hour investigation.


Yokoi-Shonan Ishin-Gunzo



It is a historical landmark in Kumamoto City.


横井小楠と維新群像(高橋公園内) | 観光スポット


survey point



Yokoi-Shonan Ishin-Gunzo



横井小楠(よこい しょうなん)と維新(いしん)群像、谷干城(たに-たてき)像調査ポイントについて説明します。現在の状況を正確に調査します。調査ポイントといたしましては、エリアまでのアクセスはどうなのか。エリア内にある飲食店や店舗、事務所、公共施設、行楽スポット、観光スポットなどが中心となります。

This section describes the survey points for the statues of Yokoi Shonan, the Ishin group, and Tani-Tateki. We will survey the site to accurately determine its current condition. As for the survey points, what is the accessibility to the area? The focus will be on restaurants, stores, offices, public facilities, recreational spots, and tourist attractions in the area.



investigation report


横井小楠(よこい しょうなん)と維新(いしん)群像、谷干城(たに-たてき)像について、探偵1日料金を3時間調査39.800円(当社料金)と仮定して調査してきましたのでご報告します。

We have investigated the statues of Yokoi Shonan, the Ishin group, and Tani-Tateki, assuming a daily detective fee of 39.800 yen (our fee) for a 3-hour investigation.


More information


The “Yokoi Shonan and the Restoration Group” and “Tani-Tateki” statues are both historical statues located in Kumamoto City that honor important figures associated with Kumamoto’s Restoration Era.

横井小楠(よこい しょうなん)は、幕末の熊本藩士で、明治維新の立役者の一人とされています。彼は藩内改革を進め、また西南戦争では熊本藩を指導し、維新において重要な役割を果たしました。

Yokoi Shonan was a Kumamoto clan member at the end of the Edo period and is considered one of the leading figures in the Meiji Restoration. He played an important role in the Meiji Restoration by promoting reforms within the clan and leading the Kumamoto clan in the Seinan War.

この像は、横井小楠(よこい しょうなん)を中心に、彼と共に維新の志士たちを象徴する群像として設置されており、彼の功績を称えるものです。場所は、熊本市内の中心地にある「熊本城」近くに位置しています。

The statue is set up as a group statue to symbolize Yokoi Shonan and the restorationists who worked with him to honor his achievements. It is located near “Kumamoto Castle” in the center of Kumamoto City.


Tani-Tateki (谷干城) was a politician from the end of the Edo period to the early Meiji period, known for his command of the Kumamoto Clan’s forces in the Seinan War. In particular, he fought against the Satsuma Clan in the Seinan War to defend the unique position of the Kumamoto Clan. The statue of Tanigoshi Castle is located near “Kumamoto Castle” in Kumamoto City, and is a tribute to his bravery and his exploits in the Seinan War.


These statues are an important cultural heritage for visitors to Kumamoto City, conveying to them the history of Japan during the Meiji era and the achievements of the Meiji Restoration samurai.


Useful information

横井小楠(よこい しょうなん)と維新(いしん)群像および谷干城(たに-たてき)像は、いずれも魅力的な文化的背景と深い歴史的意義を持っています。それぞれの像がどのように魅力的か、以下に解説します。

The statues of Yokoi Shonan, Ishin and Tani-Tateki all have fascinating cultural backgrounds and deep historical significance. The following is an explanation of what makes each statue so fascinating.

横井小楠(よこい しょうなん)とその仲間たちを描いた「維新(いしん)群像」は、明治維新という激動の時代を駆け抜けた志士たちの勇気と使命感を象徴しています。横井小楠(よこい しょうなん)は、熊本藩の改革を進めた人物で、幕末の動乱の中で日本の未来を切り開こうとした偉大な思想家でもありました。

The “Ishin Gunzo” portraying Yokoi Shonan and his companions symbolizes the courage and sense of mission of the aspirants who ran through the turbulent period of the Meiji Restoration. Yokoi Shonan was a reformer of the Kumamoto clan and a great thinker who tried to open up the future of Japan during the turmoil at the end of the Edo period.

横井小楠(よこい しょうなん)は、明治維新における熊本藩の改革を推進した中心人物であり、彼の思想や改革の影響は現代にも続いています。この像を通して、維新の精神や日本の近代化を支えた人物たちの活躍を感じることができます。

Yokoi Shonan was a central figure in promoting reform of the Kumamoto domain during the Meiji Restoration, and the influence of his ideas and reforms continues to this day. Through this statue, visitors can feel the spirit of the Restoration and the activities of those who supported the modernization of Japan.

「維新(いしん)群像」では、横井小楠(よこい しょうなん)だけでなく、彼と共に維新に尽力した他の志士たちも描かれています。これにより、個人の功績だけでなく、仲間たちの協力と集団としての力を表現しており、維新時代の協調精神を感じさせます。

The “Ishin Gunzo” depicts not only Yokoi Shonan, but also the other samurai who worked with him in the Meiji Restoration. This depiction of Yokoi Shonan, as well as the other samurai who worked alongside him in the Meiji Restoration, shows not only his individual achievements, but also the cooperation and collective strength of his comrades, evoking the spirit of cooperation during the Meiji Restoration period.


Tani-Tateki (谷干城) was a leading warrior of the Kumamoto clan, especially known for his valiant fighting in the Seinan War. He commanded the Kumamoto clan in the war and tried to protect the independence of the clan while fighting against the Satsuma clan.


Tani-Tateki was a leader in the Seinan War and fought hard to defend the Kumamoto Clan against the Satsuma Clan. This statue celebrates his courage and loyalty, and gives a sense of his leadership and strong will in the war.


The standing statue of Tani-Tateki depicts his imposing figure, and his posture conveys the spirit and determination typical of warriors of the Warring States period. The statue’s design and facial expression visually convey his strength and righteousness, making a deep impression on visitors.


The Tani-Tateki statue is located near Kumamoto Castle, a historical symbol of Kumamoto, and together they give visitors a deep sense of Kumamoto’s history. The historical story that the castle and the statue bring to life further enhances the appeal of visiting Kumamoto.

これらの像は、熊本市の歴史的遺産として、維新と戦争の時代に生きた人物たちを称えています。横井小楠(よこい しょうなん)と維新(いしん)群像は、思想的な背景と近代化を目指した理念を象徴し、谷干城(たに-たてき)像は、武士としての誇りと戦の英雄としての強さを表現しています。いずれも熊本市の文化的価値を深く理解するための重要な要素となっており、訪れる人々にその歴史的な魅力を強く感じさせてくれる存在です。

These statues are part of Kumamoto City’s historical heritage, honoring the people who lived during the period of restoration and war. The statues of Yokoi Shonan and the Restoration group symbolize their ideological background and ideals for modernization, while the statue of Tani-Tateki expresses his pride as a samurai and his strength as a war hero. Both are important elements for a deeper understanding of the cultural values of Kumamoto City, and they are strongly suggestive of its historical charm to visitors.


I hope you find it helpful.





Sightseeing spots around Kumamoto Castle are introduced in detail on the site “Sightseeing Spot Ranking Around Kumamoto Castle”. Check it out here.


Recommended eateries,


Recommended restaurants around Kumamoto Castle are introduced in detail on the site “Introducing recommended gourmet information around Kumamoto Castle!” Check it out here.


We hope you find the above information useful.


For your information


If you want to know about culture, sports, lifelong learning facilities and sightseeing spots around the area, please visit the official Kumamoto City website.


At last

駐車場アクセスについて説明します。アクセス・駐車場・周辺マップ | 【公式】熊本城があります。最寄り駅は熊本城・市役所前。熊本県にお越しの際は、ぜひ、足を運んでいただきたいです。

Parking and access are discussed. Access, Parking Lot, Surrounding Map | 【Official】Kumamoto Castle is located. The nearest station is in front of Kumamoto Castle and City Hall. When you come to Kyoto, I would like you to visit us.




thank you very much.



所在地 〒540-0025 大阪市中央区徳井町2-2-14徳井ビル303

Location 〒540-0025 Tokui Building 303, 2-2-14 Tokuicho, Chuo-ku, Osaka

電話番号 06-6809-5214 FAX番号 06-6809-5216

フリーダイヤル 0120-044-322

メール info@astotantei.com

公安委員会 第62130955号


Important matter manual


Public Safety Commission


No. 62130955


The Asto Detective Agency has been officially licensed to operate as a detective agency by the Public Safety Commission. You can receive consultations and requests from people all over Japan. Infidelity investigation, background investigation, behavior investigation, background investigation, personal background investigation, marriage investigation, personality investigation, credit investigation, workplace investigation, whereabouts investigation, person search, address identification investigation, detection of wiretap/camera device, stalker investigation, We can conduct bullying investigations and trouble investigations.
